Made Easy


Discover Climate Earth APIs and Put Them to Work

EPD data is strategic information.  Climate Earth offers easy access to generate, post or get EPD data through advanced and secure application programming interfaces (API). 

Technical Attributes:

Easy Integration with Standard RESTful API

Representational State Transfer (REST) API is an API that follows a set of rules for an application and services to communicate and is based on HTTP. Climate Earth opted for this proven and easy to use approach to our APIs. We use the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) open standard format for data. 


We utilize SSL and API keys and security tokens to ensure all API connections are secure. 


Climate Earth Support and Test Environment
Our API setup service includes expert guidance and a secure test environment.


API Products:

Custom APIs Our Engineering team will work with you to design, develop, test and implement a custom API to meet your business needs.


Off-the-shelf APIs
These APIs are functioning in multiple locations.  Our Engineering team will provide specifications and work with you to test and implement these proven APIs.  

Generate EPD
Primarily used by QC systems licensed by Climate Earth customers.  This API is off-the-shelf for CommandQC, Stonemont and Quadrel.  It provides QC system users with single click EPD generation.

Estimated EPD
This API connects to the Climate Earth Concrete Designer tool.  Users of the API send mix designs to Concrete Designer which can be confgured to generate quality estimated EPDs for local regions of North America. 

An open source EPD interchange protocol, based on the Apache open source license, designed to foster collaboration and standardization. www.open-epd-forum.org

Open Access to digital EPD data
Access digital EPD data from multiple sources, such as: ECO Platform, ILCD+EPD, EC3, ASTM and NRMCA.


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