
All Climate Earth Ready Mix Customers Now Generating New More Usable EPDs

March 27, 2019
On March 25, 2019, all EPD Generator customers were upgraded to  Version 2 of the  Generator software.  All customers can immediately begin generating fully verified mix specific EPDs that are compliant with the new Version 2 PCR published on March 15.
(Download a Brief Guide to New EPDs here)

The PCR makes significant changes and improvements to the resulting EPDs.  We have developed a brief overview of these changes and improvements which is available for download for any interested party here.

We encourage the design community to ask for the new EPDs as they are much more useable for project design decisions as they are both more comprehensive and highly comparable compared to version 1 EPDs.

For more information on the new PCR or resulting EPDs contact:

Chris Erickson

President & CEO

+1 415.391.2725


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