
Climate Earth and Holcim do what has never been done before: Concrete & Cement EPD Generators™ for Europe

November 16, 2023

Climate Earth™, in collaboration with Holcim™, has done what has not been done before. Concrete and Cement #EPDGenerators™ are now available in Europe.

Concrete Producers can now generate instant, on-demand #EPDs anytime, anywhere for any job.

The first on-demand Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) generators for cement and concrete products have been launched in Europe, through a partnership combining:

> Holcim’s industry experience
> Climate Earth’s EPD generation expertise, and
> Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V.’s advanced digital infrastructure

This launch builds on the success of Climate Earth’s digital platform in North America, where it has already generated EPDs for products in more than 900 plants.

Through an independent verification system validating the environmental profile of a product, EPDs are key to accelerating low-carbon demand to decarbonize building at scale.

Learn more about why EPDs matter from Holcim Germany CEO Thorsten Hahn:



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