
Free webinar: One Key to Reducing Carbon in Concrete

February 10, 2023

Register for the first in our Leadership in Low Carbon Concrete webinar series.

One Key to Reducing Carbon in Concrete: Shifting from Prescriptive to Performance Specifications
Thursday, March 2, 2023 11 am EST

In this webinar, you will

  • Learn how performance specifications lead to better more sustainable concrete designs
  • See specific examples of how prescriptive specification limits the producers ability to deliver an optimal product.

Prescriptive specifications, the traditional standard for specifying concrete, define the compositional parameters of a concrete mix. However these traditional formulas never considered today’s increasing demand for more sustainable low carbon concrete and are now severely restricting the ability of a concrete producer to maximize the use of current technology and provide the owner a product that meets all constructibility requirements with a reduced carbon content, at the least possible cost.

Register here

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