Made Easy

For Precast Producers

Delivering the Industry’s First Product-Specific EPDs for Precast

Climate Earth is the leading expert in precast EPDs. We were the first in the industry to produce product-specific EPDs for precast (prefabricated building systems).  A key project for Clark Pacific helped Microsoft Corporation meet the goal for reduced embodied carbon in the Microsoft Campus Project.


Industry knowledge

Climate Earth’s deep precast experience includes producing product-specific EPDs and implementation of our RMX EPD Generator within a precast plant, enabling the producer to quickly and easily calculate the impacts of mix designs used in prefabricated building systems. Climate Earth has modeled multiple precast plants and understands the complex production process from custom design to the final product.

LCA Expertise

Climate Earth specializes in the concrete industry and has a team of experts to serve your needs and provide advice on the rapidly evolving market for low carbon building materials.


As we look to the future, product specific EPDs are key, and Climate Earth is the first and only company to have produced these more complex EPDs for precast concrete.

  • Data collection. Climate Earth provides the needed forms and support to collect the necessary data on suppliers, materials, transport, and the complex operations of a precast manufacturing facility.
  • Life Cycle Analysis. Quantify the environmental impacts of all material and process inputs required for creating precast products. Create an inventory of environmental impact factors per unit of total production.
  • Produce an LCA report for verification. The data sources and calculation methodology will be compiled into an LCA report for verification.
  • Produce a well-designed, easy-to-read, and company-branded EPD.
  • Create a fully compliant Type III Environmental Product Declarations covering the average or product-specific impact of all precast products produced.
  • Work with 3rd party verifier to obtain independent verification.

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