

Holcim Germany with EPDs for all cements

Holcim Germany with EPDs for all cements

Holcim Germany is the first company in Europe to offer product-specific Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) ...
What can the Girl Scouts teach us about embodied carbon in concrete?

What can the Girl Scouts teach us about embodied carbon in concrete?

During our time at Greenbuild International Conference and Expo (Nov 1 - 3, 2022, San Francisco) our CEO and ...
What is Causing the Sudden Rise of EPDs?

What is Causing the Sudden Rise of EPDs?

This informative article in Concrete InFocus by: Chris Erickson, President & Chief Executive Officer, Climate ...
Climate Earth Announces the Industry’s First Complete Global Cement EPD Generator

Climate Earth Announces the Industry’s First Complete Global Cement EPD Generator

NEWS RELEASE Climate Earth Announces the Industry’s First Complete Global Cement EPD Generator Now live in ...
World Cement Association, Clinker Factor podcast #18: Everything you should know about low carbon construction

World Cement Association, Clinker Factor podcast #18: Everything you should know about low carbon construction

Herb Burton, Regional VP and General Manager, US Concrete, speaks about the need for collaboration between owners, ...
National Ready Mix Concrete’s investment in CNG fleet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

National Ready Mix Concrete’s investment in CNG fleet to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

National Ready Mix Concrete Co significantly reduces carbon in their concrete production equation by transitioning ...
Climate Earth Announces Two New Key Team Members, Looking to add more to our growing team

Climate Earth Announces Two New Key Team Members, Looking to add more to our growing team

NEWS RELEASE September 15, 2021 Richmond, CA. Climate Earth’s cloud-based EPD Generator continues to play a major ...
Decarbonizing in construction goes mainstream

Decarbonizing in construction goes mainstream

A lot has been talked about and done in the concrete industry to reduce carbon, but embodied carbon in ...
Climate Earth Announces Concrete Masonry EPD Generator

Climate Earth Announces Concrete Masonry EPD Generator

May 20, 2021                       ...
Climate Earth Releases Quick and Easy Guide for Reading Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

Climate Earth Releases Quick and Easy Guide for Reading Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs)

Here is your Quick and Easy Guide for reading Ready Mix EPDs Climate Earth receives a lot of questions about how ...
Lafarge Canada implements Digital EPD Generator in just 68 days | Instant EPDs Help Lafarge Canada Measure Sustainability

Lafarge Canada implements Digital EPD Generator in just 68 days | Instant EPDs Help Lafarge Canada Measure Sustainability

April 22, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time VANCOUVER, British Columbia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Vancouver’s building ...
April 22: 4pm MST Carbon Leadership Canada Forum Webinar: Fundamentals of EPDs

April 22: 4pm MST Carbon Leadership Canada Forum Webinar: Fundamentals of EPDs

Register for the latest Carbon Leadership Canada Forum webinar, Thursday, April 22, at 4 pm MST, ...

Recent Posts

Introducing Climate Earth’s EPD Advantage Proâ„¢, the world’s first EPD Information Management System (IMS) The Game-Changer for EPD Generation

A brief History of EPDs and the Arrival of EPD 3.0 by Chris Erickson, President & CEO, Climate Earth

A brief History of EPDs and the Arrival of EPD 3.0 by Chris Erickson, President & CEO, Climate Earth

Climate Earth has reached a momentous milestone!

Climate Earth has reached a momentous milestone!